May 212006

Hello, and welcome to our little experiment in open-air game design. We’ve got a few games on the burner, and we figure that by thinking out loud and posting our progress to a public forum, we’ll both be encouraged to keep plugging away at things, and be albe to elicit feedback from each other, and the design community at large.

We’ll have a few people joining us here, so let me introduce myself first. I’m Marc, and I pay the bills by making computers go. I’m primarily a programmer, with a good dose of game designer. I have a handful of mostly-done board and card games in the queue, a couple of smallish role-playing games in dire need of playtesting, and a large stack of interactive waiting to be built – that is, video games, both single-player and web-based multiplayer. I’ll be dribbling those out here as they come up.

But first, I’ll wait for the others to pipe up, and then we’ll get rolling.

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