Sep 052007

I have decided to publish a game myself. After a couple years of going through the regular channels of submitting games to companies and getting nowhere, I felt that I wanted to change it up a bit. My goal for this project is firstly to get a game out there, and see how the general gaming public reacts to it. My second goal is to learn the process, the costs, and all the other things that publishers handle with as little risk as possible. Finally, and least of all, I’d like to make a small profit to turn around and pour into my next project. The game I am going to produce is small enough that I should be achieve all of these goals.

My first step in the process was to create a nice spreadsheet analyzing the costs. I used google docs for this because it has a handy feature to share file with other users, which is great when I want feedback on something that I’m constantly changing. After making the bare bones spreadsheet, I went shopping on the net for my components. To offset the fact that this is a home brew game, I wanted my components to be more interesting than the off-the-shelf variety. Another consideration I had was that I wanted the pieces to be color-blind friendly. I used this site to convert the images of the components to show me how well they could be distinguished from one another. Hopefully the real components will be similar to the color pictures on the web. I do believe that I found the best pieces for the price, and I am excited to see how they all look when brought together.

I have ordered the components and should be receiving them in a week or so. Until then, we wait.

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