Jun 242008

I saw this very interesting site today called BoardgameBits. They sell all the little wooden game pieces that you see in all sorts of boardgames, like roads, cubes, cylinders, etc. The best part is that he is local (to this continent) so you get all of the European quality without the overseas shipping costs.

One Response to “Bits and Pieces”

  1. THANK YOU! Please post about your experience with them.

    I’ve ordered quite a few bits from bedi-spielematerial.eu, and if you keep the weight below 2 pounds, the shipping is like $15 to $20. And you’d be surprised how many bits you can get in 2 pounds.

    But it appears that not only is this place local, but with the exchange rate factored in, the prices are nearly identical (at least on the few bits that I compared).

    So, THANK YOU!

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