Nov 062007

Tuesday night is here again.  Here are some things we may see at our meeting:

Ian has a new game out called Taktika. It is a disc flicking war game that is a lot of fun. The last I heard, he was polishing up the last bit of box art and rules wordings. The game is currently available to be purchased here or at BGG.CON where he will be demoing it. Hopefully tonight we will be seeing the final version.

Drey has just gotten some copies of his game House of Whack in from the printers. This is a twisted house exploring game where anything can happen. He was only able to get a handful early so he would be able to show them off and sell some at BGG.CON. There’s nothing better than unwrapping a fresh new game. Ahhhh!

I’ve got some Monkey Lab testing to do with some new rules. Maybe we can try them out.

Random Design Thought:

In Blue Moon City, if you had to use your starting hand for the entire game, I wonder if the game would eventually come to an end. This is assuming you redraw your discarded cards at the end of your turn instead of drawing new ones. I’m sure it could be done for most hands, but what about for each possible hand of 8 cards? Just something to think about.

3 Responses to “Meeting Preview”

  1. I was thinking we might discuss BGG.con tonight. I know we’re going there to play games, but I think there are ways we can raise awareness of our games there.

  2. Yes, I’ll be bringing what I think (crossing fingers) is the final version of Taktika. I’m shipping one out tomorrow night so it needs to be. I would like to do some final playtesting of a couple of bonus scenarios that I want to include in the game tonight.

    I would also like to talk about BGG.con.

  3. I wish I could be there, but I’m unable to make it to the first Tuesday of each month.

    It’s a “one-car household” thing…

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